The Priesthood Can Bless and Stregthen My Family Primary Talk

IDENTIFY THE DOCTRINE  (playing a guessing game): Tell the children that you lot are going to give them some clues about something that blesses and strengthens families. Inquire them to raise their hands when they know the reply. Give some clues nearly the priesthood, such as "Fathers with this can anoint their families" and "Boys who are 12 can receive this." Subsequently the children take guessed correctly, say together, "The priesthood can bless and strengthen my family."

ENCOURAGE Agreement  (discussing the priesthood): Ask the children to name some things priesthood holders can do (for example, baptize, give the souvenir of the Holy Ghost, bless the sick, and pass the sacrament). Bear witness pictures of these ordinances and blessings as you hash out them, and help the children sympathize how they anoint and strengthen families. Evidence a motion picture of a temple. Explain that one of the greatest blessings of the priesthood is that it makes it possible to go to the temple and exist sealed together equally a family forever.

ENCOURAGE APPLICATION  (sharing ideas): Invite several children to stand and share one or ii ways the priesthood has blest and strengthened their families. Encourage them to share these ideas with their families at habitation.

Priesthood Grab Bag : In a pocketbook or other container have several different objects that represent things that priesthood holders can practise.


Baptize – a number 8 or water

Gift of the Holy Ghost – motion-picture show of a souvenir, hands (laying on of hands) , etc.

Sacrament : Staff of life & Water

At the front of the room take a picture for each of your objects (employ pictures from the Gospel Art Kit/Book)

Have the pictures posted on a chalkboard where everyone can see them.

Invite a child up to the front and have them pick an item from the grab bag. Have them wait at the item and then endeavor to match it to the picture it goes to.

So, if they choice the number eight they volition demand to match information technology to the moving picture of baptism.

Subsequently the child has matched the item to the correct picture, discuss the ordinance and blessings and help the children understand how it blesses and strengthens families.

Priesthood Puzzle: I saw this groovy idea in 'The Friend' {May2004} and thought it would be a peachy activity for this week'due south Sharing Time.

Even though boys in Primary aren't old enough to concord the Priesthood, they can ready now to receive it. Both boys & girls can acquire more about the Priesthood and how it blesses & strengthens families. Today nosotros're going to learn more about the Priesthood by helping out this boy.

For today'southward sharing time, the children are going to be helping this male child (picture above) get ready for church by answering questions near the priesthood.

In the above pic the boy is separated into 8 squares. In each square you lot will run into a discussion. The give-and-take in each square is an answer to 8 questions.

If yous decide to utilize this every bit your sharing time, I would make upwards a new set of questions and answers.

You lot could make upward questions about different ordinances like baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, the Sacrament, etc.

Y'all could also have stories about people that received a priesthood blessing. Read the story and so inquire a question.

Every bit the children answer the questions take them identify a piece of the puzzle over the male child in the pajamas.

Another Puzzle Thought

After I saw the puzzle idea from The Friend, I thought of another idea that y'all could utilise.

On a chalkboard or written/typed onto a piece of paper, have the phrase:

The Priesthood Tin Bless and Strengthen ________.

You will as well need a picture of a family cut into puzzle pieces. Yous will need a question for each puzzle piece, and so brand as many or every bit trivial as needed.

Show the children your phrase and read it aloud. Yous could make up some featherbrained answer and tell the children that's what you remember information technology is…something similar 'animals' or 'super heroes' or 'princesses'. 🙂

Tell the children that to effigy out the missing word they are going to have to put a puzzle together. But in order to become the puzzle pieces, they take to respond questions nigh the Priesthood.

Y'all can have the puzzle pieces in a bag, saucepan, hidden around the room, etc.

Invite a child to notice a puzzle piece. Once they accept found a piece ask the kid a question. If answered correctly have them place the puzzle piece in the appropriate place.

Continue doing this until all puzzle pieces have been institute. Inquire the children what the motion-picture show/puzzle is? Family!

Fill in the missing discussion and and so read the phrase aloud again.

Talk over with the children how the Priesthood blesses & strengthens families.

2 Squad Priesthood Puzzle

This would exist a fun idea for Sr. Primary.

Split the Master into 2 teams and give each team a list of questions. Number each question and make sure there are the same number of questions as puzzle pieces.

Tell the children that they must work as a team to answer each question. After they take answered a question have someone come up to the front of the room and tell you the answer. If they respond the question correctly give them a puzzle piece and have them render to their group to answer another question.

Once they have answered all questions correctly have them put the puzzle together.

Once they accept put the puzzle together have them fill in the missing word.

I promise y'all enjoy my ideas that I have shared today.

Equally ever, thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day & a bully Sharing Time!


Hi! I'm Sheena, the blogger behind Little LDS Ideas. I love sharing LDS Ideas and printables to help make your life and calling a little scrap easier. I am a mother to iv and a wife to 1 amazing guy. In add-on to being busy with blogging and being a married woman/mother, I am also in school. Studying and homework keeps me busy, but I dear it. Thanks and then much for stopping by! ♥





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