Qyotes to Let Someone Know You Care

Oyewole Folarin loves writing greeting-card messages and helping others detect the words they need for life's special moments.

If you're struggling to find the words to thank a friend, let this list inspire you.

If yous're struggling to notice the words to give thanks a friend, permit this listing inspire y'all.

An Appreciation Message to Friends Who Have Helped You lot

Did a friend recently assistance you lot out in a significant way, and you can't observe the words to tell them how much you capeesh their kindness? Sometimes it'southward hard to know what to write to show someone merely how much you appreciate them. Fortunately, I'grand here to aid!

This article is an original collection of messages, quotes, and sayings that y'all tin utilize to write a wonderful, heartfelt thank-you to someone who helped you through a tough fourth dimension or gave yous the perfect gift. Y'all tin employ the examples beneath to craft your own unique appreciation messages or just use them as they are.

Some of these are perfect for cards considering they're a bit longer and more in-depth, while others are great for a text bulletin, Facebook, or other social media considering they're succinct but powerful.

How to Write the Perfect Thank-You Note

Before we dive into the messages, here are a few tips on how to make your thank-you as special as possible. Instead of picking up a generic card and using the suggestions in this article verbatim, I recommend the following:

  • Make it personal. Don't just say "thanks" and get out information technology at that. Include some specifics! Did your friend hook you up with your dream job? Permit them know how thankful you are for their assist in advancing your career and encouraging you to pursue your dreams.
  • Include a moving-picture show. Did your friend knit y'all an awesome chapeau? Include a motion picture of you lot wearing it when you ship your thanks! Trust me—it volition make their 24-hour interval.
  • Go far well-nigh them. Accept the chance to highlight their kindness and brand them experience skilful about who they are! This is as well a groovy opportunity to tell them how much you're looking frontwards to the side by side fourth dimension you go to see them.
  • Include a gift card. Does your friend have a favorite coffee shop, restaurant, or store? Consider getting them a souvenir card—even for a minor amount—to send along with your note. If all else fails, Amazon souvenir cards never elapse and can be redeemed for millions of items, so they make a great gift for a friend whose specific interests and tastes you may not exist familiar with.
When life gets hard, you find out who your true friends are.

When life gets difficult, y'all observe out who your true friends are.

How to Thank a Friend Who Supported You During a Difficult Time

Having a friend who stands by you through your darkest hours is something to be grateful for. But how can yous thank someone for a thing like that? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Words cannot express how grateful I am for your kindness and generosity. Thank you so much for being in that location for me through thick and thin.
  • When I idea I couldn't go on any longer, yous gave me the strength I needed to keep moving forward. Thank you for always existence in that location for me, fifty-fifty when I'm not easy to be at that place for. You are a truthful friend and I am and so grateful to have y'all in my life.
  • Thanks for being there for me when I actually needed you. I appreciate you then much.
  • You are such a lite! Thanks for brightening my view when all I could see was darkness. You are such a special person, and I am and so incredibly lucky to call you my friend.
  • Your positivity and kindness have made an unbearable time a fiddling bit ameliorate. I didn't think that was possible, but I should have known better than to underestimate you! Give thanks you for sharing your light. The world is a better place—and I am a improve person—for it.

A real friend is one who walks in when the residuum of the world walks out.

— Walter Winchell

  • Your words of encouragement inspired me during a hard fourth dimension. Yous'll never know how much your aid meant to me. Thank you.
  • Cheers for all your aid and encouragement. You make me feel seen and heard, and I honey you lot for that. I hope you lot know how special you lot are to me.
  • You lot never fail to brand me grinning. Cheers and so much for your help and back up!
  • I will always think your kindness and back up. Cheers very much!
  • Words cannot express how grateful I am for your help. You were there for me when I needed it the virtually. Cheers for everything that you've done for me.
  • You cannot imagine how much strength your support has given me during this difficult fourth dimension. Thank you lot for your thoughtfulness and your words of encouragement.
  • Please have my warmest thank you for your thoughtfulness and words of condolement. I appreciate you more than words can say.
Good friends aren't afraid of a little heavy lifting!

Good friends aren't afraid of a trivial heavy lifting!

Appreciation Messages for Someone Who Helped You

Did your friend help you move to your new place or practise you a favor when you actually needed it? Here are just a few thoughtful examples of what to write in a thank-yous note or appreciation message for that friend who always comes through for you.

  • Thank you And so much for helping me movement! I could never accept done it without yous. (And my back is thankful that I didn't have to try!)
  • Y'all are a wonderful friend, and I capeesh your honey, kindness, support, and generosity. Thanks for always being there for me when I need y'all!
  • I just wanted to write to let you know how much I appreciate the positive influence yous've had on my life. Thank you lot for your concern and useful advice! I'll be forever grateful.
  • I am incredibly fortunate to accept someone like you in my life. I couldn't take done this without you. Thank you.
  • Consider this card a pocket-size token of my appreciation for the generosity you have shown me.

Give thanks you lot for making so many ordinary moments extraordinary.

— Anonymous

Curlicue to Continue

Read More than From Holidappy

  • Yous are such a generous, kind person. Cheers for all your assist!
  • Words are not plenty to express to you lot how grateful I am for your help, so I will simply say thank you. I only promise I'll exist able to render the favor sometime. If there'due south ever annihilation y'all need, all yous have to do is ask!
  • I merely wanted to allow you lot know how much I appreciate your support. Cheers for being in that location for me. You know I'd do the aforementioned for y'all in a heartbeat!
  • Few people have the privilege of having such a supportive and giving friend. I am beyond lucky to have you in my life. Cheers for being who yous are!
  • Thank you for being there for me all the same again. I am so grateful that y'all are in my life.
  • Delight take this thank you equally a pocket-size token of appreciation for the support you lot've given me. Your kindness means so much to me.
  • Your thoughtfulness is a souvenir I will e'er treasure. You are the best. Cheers a lot!
Did your bestie get you the perfect present? Thank them with a sweet note.

Did your bestie get you the perfect present? Thank them with a sweet annotation.

How to Say Give thanks You lot to a Friend Who Gave You a Gift

Below are some samples of thank-y'all letters for a gift received from a friend or loved one. I encourage you to personalize these messages with details almost the gift to make your note a niggling more special.

  • Your gift was and then crawly. Simply one of my closest friends would accept known me well enough to get something like that. Thank you!
  • Give thanks you so much for the present! I'k lucky to have you as a friend.
  • You are such an amazing gift giver. Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face.
  • Thank you for your awesome and thoughtful gift! I tin can't expect to try it out!
  • I couldn't believe my optics when I saw your souvenir! I have no idea how to return the favor. Until I do, thank you.
  • I'm truly grateful from the lesser of my heart for the special gift you gave me. I just wanted to permit you know how generous and thoughtful I call up you are.
  • This is just a little note to thank you for giving me something so special. I'thou very grateful for our friendship.
  • Thank you for your wonderful gift! I'm so grateful to have yous as a friend.

Your friendship is a special souvenir. Generously given, happily accepted and deeply appreciated!

— Anonymous

  • I simply wanted to let yous know how much I love the souvenir you lot gave me. You lot knew exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
  • Your thoughtful gift couldn't accept come at a better time. I needed this so much. Thank you for your kindness.
  • Your gift touched me beyond words. I merely can't believe how beautiful it is. Y'all are then generous and kind and I tin't wait to see yous once more!
  • My dear friend, cheers for your thoughtful and generous gift. I beloved it. Cheers!
  • Cheers so much for coming the other dark and for your lovely gift. Information technology was and so great to see you!
  • Thank you lot so much for the lovely souvenir and for coming to my party. I always love catching up with you.
  • Thank you for the amazing gift! I ever appreciate how y'all make time for me even with your tight schedule.
Sometimes the best way to thank a friend is by thanking God above.

Sometimes the best way to thank a friend is past thanking God above.

Religious Give thanks-You Messages and Quotes

  • God works in mysterious ways, but information technology's no mystery to me why you're in my life. Anoint you for your kindness and support.
  • I give thanks God for sending y'all to help me in my time of need.
  • Y'all are a approving in my life. Cheers for everything that y'all do.
  • I want to give thanks the unabridged congregation for reaching out to me and supporting me. Cheers for everything that you lot've done to help me.
  • Y'all are a blessing to me, and I volition e'er remember your kindness.
  • I am truly blessed to have someone like you in my life.
  • The way that you helped me is a clear demonstration of why y'all're a shining example at our church. You embody kindness, generosity, and so much more.

Quotes and Bible Passages About Thankfulness

  • "I give thanks my God through Jesus Christ for you." —Romans 1:8
  • "I give thanks God for yous—the God I serve with a clear conscience, simply equally my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers." —two Timothy 1:3
  • "Proverb thank you is more than practiced manners. It is skillful spirituality." —Alfred Painter
  • "God gave you a souvenir of 84,600 seconds today. Take you used 1 of them to say give thanks you?" —William Arthur Ward
  • "A simple grateful idea turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer."
    —Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
  • "In everything, requite thanks." —1 Thessalonians five:xviii
  • "I e'er thank my God for you considering of his grace given you in Christ Jesus." —one Corinthians 1:4
  • "I exercise non cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." —Ephesians 1:16
Tag your best bud to let the whole world know how much they mean to you!

Tag your best bud to let the whole world know how much they mean to you!

Don't quite have the time to write or make a menu? Social media sites and apps similar Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, are a great way to allow someone know that you appreciate them. Here are some very brusque thank-you lot messages to use on social media.

  • Shoutout to [@name] for always being there for me.
  • [@name] is the best. Thank yous for having my back!
  • Thanks for helping me! You're the best!
  • Thank you! Your kindness is immensely appreciated.
  • You couldn't accept shown up at a better time. Thank you!
  • Thank you for always being there for me!
  • Cheers for helping me out. I'll return the favor any time!
  • It rocks that I take such a supportive friend.
  • Y'all accept my eternal gratitude. Thanks for all yous practise!
  • I'm so lucky to call you my friend!
  • Y'all are the kindest person I know. Cheers!
  • Stopping by to give you lot a quick "cheers!"

To make your message stand out, you can add a selfie, and emoji, or a gif. Whatever you choose, don't forget to tag your friends, like the [@name] messages above.

If you still can't seem to find the right words to thank your friend, let these quotes speak for you.

If you however can't seem to observe the right words to thank your friend, allow these quotes speak for you.

More Thank-Yous Quotes and Sayings

  • "Develop an mental attitude of gratitude, and requite thanks for everything that happens to you lot, knowing that every stride forrard is a step toward achieving something bigger and meliorate than your electric current situation." —Brian Tracy
  • "As we limited our gratitude, nosotros must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." —John F. Kennedy
  • "The smallest human activity of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." —Oscar Wilde
  • "Thankfulness is the start of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts." —Henri Frederic Amiet

Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.

— Richard Bach

  • "Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good act is usually done by somebody on whom I take no claim." —William Feather
  • "The unthankful heart . . . discovers no mercies; only let the thankful heart sweep through the mean solar day and, every bit the magnet finds the iron, then it will find, in every hr, some heavenly blessings!" —Henry Ward Beecher
  • "None of us got to where we are alone. Whether the assistance we received was obvious or subtle, acknowledging someone's help is a big part of understanding the importance of saying thank yous." —Harvey Mackay
  • "No duty is more urgent than that of returning thank you." —James Allen

Questions & Answers

Question: How practice you Show Appreciation and Express Gratitude in Words?

Reply: If you're brainstorming on ways to prove appreciation and express gratitude to someone for their good work, thoughtfulness, support, kindness, or help, one great thought is to transport a thank you lot carte or note. Here is a useful guide to writing an appreciation letter to help you get started.

• Start with a personal greeting. For example: "Dear [recipient's proper noun],"

• State what you are grateful for

• Country what their support, kindness, or help means to you, as well as the deviation they made in your life

• Thank them over again

• Close the letter with "Kindly" or "Best regards" followed past a comma

• Sign your name

© 2014 Oyewole Folarin

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For You Useful (Thank you message)

God Bless y'all...

Thoughtful and generous on Nov 06, 2017:

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Tanya Jones from Texas USA on August 22, 2014:

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Source: https://holidappy.com/greeting-cards/Thank-you-Messages-Quotes-and-Sayings-What-to-Write-in-a-Card

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